Kelly Dolan
Kelly Dolan joined entrepreneurcountry in January 2012 as Head of Content. Her current responsibilities include managing entrepreneurcountry's host of media platforms, including creating a weekly newsletter for investors and entrepreneurs, designing and editing a monthly digital magazine as well as managing an inventory of 200 leading entrepreneurial contributors, who share their business insights with entrepreneurcountry readers through it's various communication channels. Kelly has also worked on account management, business development and sales, as well as strengthened engagement and increased the population of the entrepreneurcountry community.
Prior to joining entrepreneurcountry Kelly worked as a freelance journalist for Bauer Media on a range of men's and women's titles during crucial periods of digital transformation. Kelly also speaks at young entrepreneurial programmes, workshops and business schools, as well as sits on panels for industry events.
Twitter:- @kellydolanuk
- Start-up of the Week: Vollow
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- Read entrepreneurcountry's November Magazine Here, Featuring Professor Simon Best OBE
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- Interview: Julia Grinham, CEO of Upper Street
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- My interview with Charlie Mullins
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- entrepreneurcountry speaks to Hilary Devey
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