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Opportunities for entrepreneurs in the NHS

on Monday, 11 June 2012.

When I first began work as a management consultant, I wanted to avoid NHS projects at all costs. Bureaucracy, inefficiency, unmotivated people, frustration were some of the words that would cloud my judgement when looking at the list of projects available.

Smart Cities: Your Home in the Digital Age

on Tuesday, 22 May 2012.

If you ever wanted to know what a simple family home may look like in the future, smart home tech company AlertMe is now making the vision a reality. 

Are humans turning into machines?

on Friday, 30 March 2012.

John Stuart Mill writing in On Liberty in 1859 said “man (humanity) is not built like a machine, that should be set to do the work exactly proscribed to him but should be seen more like a tree, that can grow on all sides depending on the inward forces that make it a living thing”.

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