Julie Meyer
Julie Meyer is one of the leading champions for entrepreneurship in Europe. With over 20 years investment and advisory experience helping start-up businesses, she is the well known founder and CEO of Ariadne Capital, founder of entrepreneurcountry, Co-Founder of First Tuesday and Dragon on BBC's Online Dragons Den.
Julie has recently released her debut book, Welcome to entrepreneurcountry.
To purchase your copy, click here.
Email:- [email protected]
Twitter:- @JulieMarieMeyer
LinkedIn:- uk.linkedin.com/pub/julie-meyer/0/7/328
- Human Capital in the 21st Century – What Thomas Piketty Doesn’t Get
- What the Royal Mail, Scotland, Bitcoin, and Crowdfunding have in Common
- The Map To The Territory
- The Money Will Find You
- How to Compete in a World of $19 Billion Acquisitions Done in 11 Days
- A New Financial Services Industry Emerges
- The New Formula to Create a Billion Dollar Firm is being written by Tesla, Nest, Harry’s and Matternet
- The Technology Trends and Start-ups Large Retailers Need To Know About
- Palo Alto Goes Global
- To Lead The Recovery, Business Must Learn To Help Itself
- Capitalism Can Be Responsible
- Now is the Time for the UK to Rediscover its Exporting Mindset
- Dell and entrepreneurcountry Join Forces to Nurture the UK's Fast-Growth Entrepreneurs
- Great News for the CEOs of Large Companies
- I Didn't Get into Venture Capital to Sell to the Americans
- The UK is Best Placed To Grab a Tech Dividend
- An Entrepreneur's Success Secret
- The irrational world of entrepreneurs
- The Economist's View of Entrepreneurs
- The Era of Ecosystem Economics
- United Kingdom - Network Enabler
- Julie Meyer takes you to entrepreneurcountry
- David and Goliath must dance
- How Big Business is "going to entrepreneurcountry"
- Entrepreneurs backing entrepreneurs: It's the future!
- How to solve the Eurozone crisis
- Small firms will return UK to growth
- How entrepreneurs manage risk
- Where are the jobs?
- Let Entrepreneurs Build Plan B
- Why The Vickers Report Will Never Be Implemented
- Women On Board
- Ecosystem Economics is at Play
- Julie Meyer on BBC Radio 4's Today programme
- Julie Meyer reflects on Global Entrepreneurship Week
- Fast-growing SMEs are vital for UK’s future
- Think inclusively and watch people help you
- Thinking more inclusively can boost business
- Doing well can be the best way to do good
- Fortunes can be made in times of austerity
- You can't beat learning through experience
- The Labour Party needs to find a new name
- Young entrepreneurs are hope for the future
- A Lib-Lab coalition would be bad for business
- Start-ups secure funding as recovery kicks in
- A message to entrepreneurs: do not give up
- A big state can't do it all
- Entrepreneurs lay the economic golden eggs
- The Budget was impotent
- Budget not as generous as it first appears
- We must choose either fairness or freedom
- What business can learn from the Avon lady
- All-girls schools lead to bright businesswomen
- Business models now matter more than sales
- Diversity is a great asset if managed properly
- An investment gap is hindering UK start-ups
- Davos is outdated as power is redistributed
- Forget Cadbury, entrepreneurs will save UK
- Tech-savvy entrepreneurs want less government
- New Year resolutions for entrepreneurcountry
- It’s still possible to build a business in a recession
- The government should learn from entrepreneurs
- Politicians and the City need to trust each other
- Online organisation tools are the next big thing
- Google needs to start rewarding its customers
- Small firms are revving Britain’s economic engine
- Alan Sugar is wrong about small business owners
- Hard work will define the twenty first century
- Economic downturns can lead to more innovation
- Worthy equality laws can be counter productive
- Let's unleash the human spirit to create and build
- The Gulf states need to become a marketplace
- I felt like a spy for the other side
- Social networking turns profitable
- Fifty ways to spend all of our money
- Women board directors will bring success and status
- Introducing competition will improve healthcare
- Venture capitalists in search of women to back
- We are all slowly becoming individual capitalists
- Swinging for the Fences