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What Can Business Learn From The Software Industry?

Written by Bob Apollo on Tuesday, 12 February 2013.

In a recent article (“Competing in a digital world”) on the McKinsey website, authors Sarrazin and Sikes identify four lessons that they believe business in general could and should learn from the software industry. It’s an interesting perspective, and indicative of the pervasive role that software is playing in value creation across a growing range of businesses and industries.

Great News for the CEOs of Large Companies

Written by Julie Meyer on Thursday, 07 February 2013.

Great News for the CEOs of large companies! There are entrepreneurs out there working on solving the problems that you face running your FTSE 100 business, or your medium-sized enterprise of 1000 employees, or your multinational. You have scale, distribution, reach, audience, established brand and reputation: you are a highway.

New Health App Tackles Dementia

on Friday, 30 November 2012.

An exciting start-up in Cornwall called DiSC has developed the “Living Memories” series, an archive film based memory trigger resource on DVD for use with older people, particularly those with dementia.

A Mobile Money Revolution

on Tuesday, 13 November 2012.

Vodafone is at the centre of a financial services revolution in Africa. It’s not based on plush branches or teams of big bonus bankers, neither is there the constant in your face advertising enticing you to deposit, borrow or save. Instead it relies on a simple ‘pay-as-you-go’ model that allows registered users to send and receive cash via their existing mobile phones.

The Importance of Mobile Commerce

Written by Warren Knight on Tuesday, 16 October 2012.

Between summer 2011 and summer 2012, traffic to eCommerce sites were stemming from smartphones and tablets, growing by up to 200%. Its time to face the facts, Mobile Commerce is becoming more, and more important every single day.

Retailers won't succeed without technology

on Monday, 01 October 2012.

Technology is all around us – our phones, laptops, games consoles and even our TVs can now connect us wirelessly to the web to enable us to socialise, search and, most importantly, shop.

Smart Energy and The Digital Economy

on Tuesday, 11 September 2012.

The energy market is undergoing a major transformation. It’s moving towards a so-called Smart Grid, which will not only manage supply and demand of energy more effectively, but also integrate new, lower-carbon sources of electricity.

3 Future Trends in Retailing

on Tuesday, 04 September 2012.

The future of retailing relies on 3 all important trends that are already emerging and are dominating the consumer buying experience. Here, I will run through each trend and how they are being implemented already by large retail companies.

Will Mobile Technology Save the High Street?

on Friday, 31 August 2012.

Whilst stores on the high street seem to be suffering from a growing number of customers staying at home to watch the Olympics, the world of online and mobile ecommerce channels is blooming, with a 359% growth in sales via mobile devices reported last year.

Will NHS Global Work?

on Friday, 24 August 2012.

UK government have recently launched an initiative that will see the NHS expanding abroad, with some of Britain's greatest hospitals (Great Ormond Street/Royal Mardens/Moorfields Eye Hospitals to name a few) planning to set up outposts in China, Brazil, the Middle East and even Libya in the hope to generate profits for the free health service.

entrepreneurcountry asked four entrepreneurs and healthcare experts what they thought of plans to take the NHS to the world, as well as what the scheme could mean for Britain's growth strategy.

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